Spring Adult Basketball



Our Adult Spring Basketball league will offer an 8 game regular season with the top 4 teams in each division advancing to post-season playoffs. All games will be played at FieldhouseUSA. Champions will receive a $50 discount on the next seasons registration fee, if the team chooses to play the next season.

  • All games are played on Thursday nights (9:00pm & 10:00pm)
  • Home Team will have to provide someone to run the scorebook
  • Away Team will have to provide someone to run the scoreboard/clock

Team Registration: $700

**Refund Policy: $30 Administrative Fee charge of the appropriate sports fee prior to registration closing. After registration closes, no refunds for any reason; including, but not limited to any delays, postponements or cancellations due to public health reasons. Refunds will not be given for a participant that did not get a division or practice they requested. We cannot guarantee these requests.


NOTE: If registration form doesn't appear below please click here to open up a new tab.


Download PDF

Game Schedule

NOTE: If registration form doesn't appear below please click here to open up a new tab.

Important Dates